Have you been diagnosed with fibroids, and want to try natural therapies that can couple with medical treatment from your GP or gynaecologist? You have come to the right place! Treatment options for fibroids depend on the severity of your symptoms, their size and location and your overall health and goals. In this blog post, we’ll explore dietary recommendations that may contribute to better health if you are living with fibroids.
What are fibroids?
Uterine fibroids, also known as leiomyomas, are non-cancerous growths of the uterus that often appear in a person born female at birth. (Here on in we will use the term ‘women’, but acknowledge that people may identify differently to their birth gender.)
Fibroids are the most common types of benign tumours (growths) in women, and can come in many different sizes, from pea-size to larger masses that can change the shape of the uterus.
Fibroids are made of muscle cells and other tissues such as fibronectin, collagen and proteoglycans, that grow within the wall of the uterus. Fibroids are surrounded by a capsule-like layer which includes compressed collagen, muscle fibres, blood vessels and microfibers.
What causes fibroids?
Fibroids are very common, with many women experiencing them at some point in their lives, though not all fibroids cause symptoms. The exact cause of fibroids is not known, but the changes to oestrogen and progesterone are thought to be a major contributor. The following factors increase the risk of having fibroids, which are related to hormone changes (1,2):
– Being of reproductive age – especially in your 30s and 40s
– Having fewer children
– Starting to menstruate at a younger age
– Diabetes
– Higher body fat percentage
– Polycystic ovary syndrome
– Being of African ethnicity
– Having someone in your family being diagnosed with fibroids
– Long term mental or physical stress
– Poor diet quality
– Exposure to chemicals and endocrine disruptors from our environment and the products we use
What symptoms may I experience due to fibroids?
Although many women remain asymptomatic, for other patients, fibroids can lead to chronic pain, heavy menstrual bleeding, anaemia and reproductive difficulties. Fibroids are associated with approximately 10% of infertility cases. In 1 – 3% of cases, they are the exclusive cause of infertility (3). Symptoms and signs may include:
– Menstrual changes: fibroids can cause heavy menstrual bleeding, prolonged periods, and irregular cycles
– Pelvic pain and pressure: large fibroids or those pressing on surrounding organs may cause pelvic discomfort or a feeling of fullness
– Frequent urination: fibroids can compress the bladder, leading to a need to urinate more often
– Constipation or difficulty with bowel movements: in some cases, fibroids can press on the rectum, causing constipation
– Backache or leg pains: fibroids can sometimes press on nerves in the back and cause pain
Feel free to read previous blog posts by other Maven Centre clinicians regarding fibroids for more details:
What should I eat to help reduce my risk of fibroids, or to manage them better?
Here are some top tips to better managing fibroids. Remember, each personal is different and has unique nutrient needs. Please see an accredited practising dietitian who works in this space to ensure you receive the dietary care you need.
Go for colour in your fruit and vegetables
Incorporating a rainbow of fruits and vegetables into your daily diet provides a wealth of vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants. These nutrients not only support your overall health but may also help combat inflammation, a factor associated with the development and progression of fibroids. Several studies show people who eat more fruit and vegetables have a lower risk of fibroids. We think this is because these foods are rich in phytochemicals like flavonoids, carotenoids and polyphenols. These compounds help regulate cell proliferation, reduce inflammation, fibrosis, apoptosis and angiogenesis (4).
Go for the cow dairy, or fortified plant alternatives:
Cow-based dairy like milk, cheese and yoghurt are a rich source of several vitamins and minerals like calcium, magnesium and vitamin D, which help reduce inflammation and tumour growth. More studies are needed to confirm the link between cows dairy and fibroids however most to date show a reduce risk with increased dairy intake. Dairy is also essential for bone health, which is vitally important after menopause or if you are chemically placed into menopause following a hysterectomy. If you choose to have plant-based dairy, ensure it is supplemented with adequate calcium and other vitamins and minerals.
Don’t go overboard with soy
Summarising research to date: most studies show an increase in fibroid risk and growth in people who drank soy milk as a child and those who consume large amounts of soy in their diet. Soy is rich in nonsteroidal isoflavones, plant compounds that are one of the riches oestrogenic food compounds we can eat. It seems like small to moderate amounts are well tolerated by focusing on as your main protein source and dairy alternative may not be the best option for fibroids. Speak to your dietitian for tailored advice on incorporating soy in your diet.
Embrace fibre
Whole grains, legumes and fibre-rich foods are essential for maintaining healthy digestion and hormonal balance. Fibre helps regulate estrogen levels in the body, potentially impacting the growth of fibroids. To increase your fibre intake each day, go for increased fruit and vegetables in your snacks and main meals and opt for brown rice, quinoa, beans or lentils to bulk up your meals in a fibre filled, gut-loving way. And don’t forget to leave the skin on your veggies!
Love your good fats
Choose sources of healthy fats like avocados, nuts, seeds, olive oil, fish and fish oils. These fats play a role in hormone production and balance, potentially influencing the growth and symptoms associated with fibroids. Fish can also be a great source of omega-3, which is a potent anti-inflammatory.
Stay strong and get your iron
If you experience heavy menstrual bleeding due to fibroids, focus on iron-rich foods like lean meats, beans, lentils, and dark leafy greens. This can help prevent iron deficiency anaemia and promote better overall health. You may also need supplementation. Talk to your dietitian about this.
Enjoy caffeine and alcohol in moderation
If you choose to drink alcohol or coffee, you may need to reduce your intake of these foods. The best is to avoid alcohol altogether when possible as it clearly is a potent inflammatory substance that increase the risk of fibroid and several other medical conditions. There are mixed findings in relation to caffeine, with dose seeming to be important. Alcohol and caffeine alter the ay oestrogen is metabolised in the body and increase inflammation, increasing fibroid risk. Try to enjoy weaker alternatives of these drinks when possible or swap for other drink alternatives.
Incorporating a nutrient-rich, well-balanced diet can be a valuable component of managing fibroids and promoting overall health. However, it’s essential to remember that individual responses may vary. Consult with your GP to form a healthcare team that is best for you. You can also directly see a dietitian who is well trained in fibroid management, like Dr Stephanie Pirotta, so together you may create sustainable, evidence-based dietary changes to best support your health. By nourishing your body with wholesome foods, you can empower yourself on the journey to better well-being while managing the impact of fibroids.
1. Katon, J.G.; Plowden, T.C.; Marsh, E.E. Racial Disparities in Uterine Fibroids and Endometriosis: A Systematic Review and Application of Social, Structural, and Political Context. Fertil. Steril. 2023, 119, 355–363.
2. Marsh, E.E.; Shaw, N.D.; Klingman, K.M.; Tiamfook-Morgan, T.O.; Yialamas, M.A.; Sluss, P.M.; Hall, J.E. Estrogen Levels Are Higher across the Menstrual Cycle in African-American Women Compared with Caucasian Women. J. Clin. Endocrinol. Metab. 2011, 96, 3199–3206.
3. Szkodziak, P.; Pyra, K.; Szkodziak, F.; Krzyżanowski, J.; Czuczwar, P.; Woźniak, S.; Jargiełło, T.; Paszkowski, T. The Lublin Protocol of the Uterine Arteries Embolization in the Treatment of Symptomatic Uterine Fibroids. J. Vis. Exp. 2020, 163, e61530.
4. Krzyżanowski, J.; Paszkowski, T.; Woźniak, S. The Role of Nutrition in Pathogenesis of Uterine Fibroids. Nutrients 2023, 15, 4984. https://doi.org/10.3390/nu15234984